Anna Pierce
In the summer of 1985, Anna Pierce began working for Niagara Helicopters Limited in their Sales Department as a summer job. She continued working for the company while attending University completing an Honours BA in Psychology with a Minor in Marketing. Upon graduating, she was hired by Niagara Helicopters on a full-time basis as Assistant to the Operations and the Marketing Directors. While in this position, Ms. Pierce was taught the ins and outs of both the Tourism Industry as well as the Aviation Industry as a whole. In 1997, she was promoted to Marketing Director of the organization.
In 2006, Anna accepted a position with Niagara Falls Tourism as their Executive Director. Under her leadership there, she was able to build a new brand, develop a state-of-the-art website and develop a strong team of capable employees! In 2009, Anna returned to her NEW ROLE as Vice President! When the company was sold in 2011, Anna was promoted to Vice President and General Manager. Anna’s responsibilities include overseeing day-to-day operations, accounting, guest services, café, engineering, maintenance, sales & marketing and the front desk! Anna has been representing our company at trade shows around the world for over 2 decades. She also sits on a number of local (Winter Festival of Lights Board and Past Chair of the Niagara Falls Canada Chamber of Commerce) and tourism-related boards including the Tourism Industry Association of Ontario. She is proud to serve as the current Chair of the Destination Ontario Sectoral Advisory Committee and as a member of the Destination Canada Leisure Marketing Advisory Committee.